What type of filter does the 3 In 1 Multifunction Air Washer use?

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What type of filter does the 3 In 1 Multifunction Air Washer use?

Update:23 Jul 2024

The filter of the 3 In 1 Multifunction Air Washer needs to be replaced in the following cases:
Decreased purification effect: If the user finds that the purification effect of the air purifier is not as good as before during use, it may be because the filter is saturated and can no longer effectively remove pollutants in the air. At this time, the user can judge whether the filter needs to be replaced by observing the air quality indicator or feeling the air quality personally. For example, if there is a sudden odor or increase in dust in the home, it may be that the filter can no longer effectively remove these pollutants.
Filter color change: Different types of filters will have different color changes when saturated. For example, the primary filter may change from white to gray or black, while the activated carbon filter may change from dark to darker colors. Users can judge whether it needs to be replaced by checking the color of the filter regularly. To facilitate user inspection, some air purifiers are designed to make the filter easier to remove and view.
Use time and frequency: The service life of the filter is affected by many factors, including frequency of use, ambient air quality, indoor space size, etc. Therefore, users need to refer to the instruction manual of the air purifier and the merchant's recommendations to determine the replacement cycle of the filter. If the air purifier is used frequently or the air quality in the environment is poor, the replacement frequency of the filter may need to be increased accordingly. Conversely, if the air purifier is used less frequently or the air quality in the environment is good, the service life of the filter may be longer.
Activated carbon filter emits sour smell: The activated carbon filter may emit a sour smell after saturation, because the activated carbon absorbs too much acidic substances. This sour smell not only affects the air quality, but also may have adverse effects on human health. Therefore, once the activated carbon filter is found to emit a sour smell, the user should immediately replace the new filter.
Merchant suggestion: When purchasing an air purifier, the merchant usually provides an estimate of the service life of the filter. This estimate is based on the design and test data of the product and has a certain reference value. However, due to the different actual use environments and conditions, users also need to judge whether the filter needs to be replaced in advance based on their own use.
In order to ensure the normal operation of the air purifier and extend its service life, it is recommended that users replace the filter regularly according to the instruction manual and the merchant's recommendations. At the same time, users can also choose the appropriate filter type and brand according to their own use and needs.