A folding neck massager can be a great option for those that suffer from tension headaches. Many people today have to deal with the stresses of stress on a daily basis, and a good quality massage can help relieve some of these tensions. When the pain is caused by pressure on the head, such as it can be if you are trying to get work done or are just sitting at your desk all day, a neck massager can help with this issue. A massager works by applying constant pressure to the neck which helps to alleviate some of the tension. Neck pain is sometimes caused by the muscles in the neck getting strained, which is one of the main causes of tension heada

ches. It can also be caused by the pressure put on your head
when you are in certain positions like sitting at a computer, but many times a neck massager can alleviate the tension.
Another common problem caused by tension headaches is stiffness in the back, and many people suffer from back pain that they do not feel while they are doing their normal activities. This is also something that a good quality folding neck massager can help with. The pressure that is applied on the neck can relieve the pain in the back and can also help to relax the body. Many people that deal with tension headaches will try to avoid certain positions in order to reduce the severity of their headache. These people are often the ones that have the neck discomfort, and often the pain just won't go away until they change their position. However, when the pressure is taken away from the neck, the tension will start to dissipate, causing the pain to be reduced. This is why a folding neck massager is a very beneficial piece of equipment for these people.
There are many different types of folding neck massager available on the market. Some are made to take pressure off of a specific area of the head, while other ones are designed to work on the entire head to give the user relief. While a lot of the companies that make these devices do not recommend them for everyday use, they are great for those that are constantly dealing with neck pain.